Radiation and Me - by artist Jane Goodfellow

About 40 years ago I noticed that close proximity to neon tubes made me feel ill, but my life wasn't badly impacted as they were easy to avoid. Then, while working as a graphic designer in the 90's, the industry went Apple Mac mad, and I had to use one or become unemployable (and they certainly made previously laborious tasks quick and easy). However, I soon developed headaches and mild nausea if I used the computer for long periods, so I took frequent breaks.

In about 2005 I started working in publishing as a sub-editor, which necessitated spending ages online, in proximity to Wi-Fi, and I acquired a cellphone, despite being wary of them. And then the poo really hit the fan...

Headaches, poor concentration, insomnia, brain fog and poor memory were just the start, followed by sore glands in the throat and M.E. However, I didn't join the dots and relate these odd symptoms to radiation until about three years ago, when very frequent shingles attacks started blighting my life, and my G.P. couldn't identify a cause. Then, during my 'wake up call' week, I developed a very severe headache and nausea (I couldn't eat for three days), and on glancing in the mirror one morning, I noticed that my left eyelid was drooping, the pupil was hugely enlarged, I couldn't see properly, and was dizzy. Panic stations.

Hectic medical tests ruled out a stroke/brain tumour (I knew I had neither), and the docs concluded that an unknown virus, probably shingles, had damaged the nerve behind my left eye, possibly permanently. I sat down and thought about what had changed in my life that might coincide with the onset of the shingles attacks, and I realised that they'd started soon after I started using Wi-Fi and cellphones, and the very bad eye-damaging attack occurred soon after I'd become hooked on online scrabble, spending much longer periods online than previously.

I tried staying offline for days. Result? No shingles. I went online again. Result? Shingles. Every single time, if I'm online for more than a few minutes. Now I know that radiation doesn't 'cause' shingles; rather, it's the chicken pox virus that is still in my system. But the radiation is definitely irritating my body and my brain, weakening my immune system, and allowing the virus to keep resurfacing. Incidentally, my cousin in Australia has exactly the same symptoms as me, and she also gets shingles when around Wi-Fi. Perhaps this is something for Professor Dominique Belpomme to consider...?

In an effort to earn a living, offline, I am developing my artistic talents whilst simultaneously being compelled to work as a live-in carer of the elderly. Initially, this worked fine, because I was able (at considerable expense) to Wi-Fi-proof my home, and most elderly people had no Wi-Fi. Unfortunately, now most of them do have Wi-Fi, as their carers demand it, and to add insult to injury, they're now getting smart meters too. Smart meters? Oh my heavens - instant insomnia, hyperactive brain, headaches, and, the next day, shingles.

I have a website that needs tweaking and promoting, but I am between rocks and hard places everywhere I turn. I can't do anything on social media myself, and I can't afford to pay a company to do it, so the website gets no traffic I thought of trying to get crowdfunding, but cannot research it.

My social life has hit the skids - I'm single but can't do internet dating, and can no longer go to coffee shops or pubs because of the Wi-Fi and cellphones. Even hiking with friends, an activity I love, is becoming impossible because they won't switch their phones off.

I really am at my wits' end, as I need to work for another ten years. So if anyone knows an elderly person without Wi-Fi/smart meter, who lives in the south or south-west of the UK and who needs caring help, please get in touch. And if you know anyone who is a dab hand at websites and social media who is looking for unpaid work experience, or you have any bright ideas as to how I can fund this, please let me know.

Finally, I am willing to do just about anything to raise awareness of electrosensitivity. We need to get the powers-that-be to allocate WiFi-free, cellphone-signal-free, radio calm areas where people like me can simply live healthy lives, away from the pervasive menace of high tech radiation.

If anyone wants to picket outside Parliament, to get someone to listen to us - for God's sake! - I'll be there in a heartbeat. And any lawyers out there with guts and tenacity (Erin Brockovich?) - you're going to get lots of work in the future!

Jane's website: www.janegoodfellow.co.uk

You can contact Jane via this blog post: please either leave a comment below, which I will pass on to her, or send me an email to forward to her.


  1. Hello Jane, sorry you are having such a bad time. I began having a bad time when I had to leave dial up and go onto wifi, which I really did not want. I don't have micro wave oven, or phones or tablets, a lap top that I am intending to fix an ethernet cable to, and a small non plasma tv which I only watch for an hour or two at a time and sit away from...but I seem to attract radiation from my neighbours - all wifi gadget mad. What I want to say is: do be careful about coming down to the South West, because it seems so much worse down here. It is my adopted home, yet I am trying to move away. I've been trying for past five and a bit years to find some place wifi free. I've spent thousands travelling the UK and Wales, but have no luck wifi is everywhere. The South West is not a good place. The South East, well some areas, seem better, but highly, highly, expensive. Anyway Jane, good luck to you in your search for wifi less peace and quiet. xx

  2. Jane my thoughts and empathy are with you ! I know exactly how you feel and that ever decreasing circle that you find yourself in. One thought outside the box - The Shingles, that is due to Herpes Zosta (zosta being greek for girdle I think) it has long been my theory that bacterium and perhaps viruses are completely offended by microwave tech and as a result will fight back by proliferating to increase thier chance of survival ? Just a thought ? Any way love the art - I too am struggling right now as I am trying to get justice for my self (as closure) due to the way I was treated bu a major Charity I recently worked for as a construction project manager. Once I told them I was ES, that was a downward journey smattered with that old chestnut - Poor performance issues - The Tribunal would revolve around Disability Discrimination.. I satisfy (and so would you) the meaning of Disability under the Equality act (1st Hurdle) but ironically in construing and putting over my case I am shooting myself in the foot as the amount of PC time is turning me into a zombie, a door seems to shut in the brain and thats my memory and cognitive ability running on limp mode from there-on - But hey we struggle on.........

  3. i am dying from the smartmeters .we have to get attorneys to help us ...somehow .my brain is damaged now .theres no place to exist without this toxic stuff anymore

  4. Hi Jane, oh my, I am in the exact same boat as you are, only in the U.S.A. Have been living with seniors for 15 years for the reasons you state, but now it's true they mostly have wifi, DECT phones, and smart meters, and also solar panels sometimes. My present situation has just run out and there is nothing else available! So now I am going to see what it is like to live in a van in my late 60's. Others are managing to do this so we'll see. Just want to send some very good wishes your way, and keep the faith that good things will come your way. Lily

  5. Jane, EHS is no fun at all. My sweetheart has had it for almost two years. I think you might find some good support resources at her Multerland website, run by Antoinette in the Netherlands, who I think is in her 70s and has EHS too. She has come up with ways to be an advocate for EHS. Have you tried consulting with a Building Biologist to get your environment cleaned and perhaps a lowEMF computer arrangement?


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