A Story of Ehs, and Accepting Loss


Stephanie Dickerson


Georgia, USA

How long have you been electrosensitive (and how long did it take you to make the link to EMFs?)

My symptoms started in 2005, and I realised that I was electrosensitive in 2012.

Your story:

Since I discovered I am EHS, in 2012, I have had to accept loss; loss of my career, loss of my income, family, friends and so much more.

It seems every time I feel like I get used to my “new” restricted life, I must face yet another loss. As more places implement wifi, my world shrinks even more, until there is literally no where I can go comfortably.

It is impossible for non-ehs people to even comprehend the huge burden and the isolation that this condition creates, and the grief one experiences daily for all that has been taken away.

Around 2005 I started having debilitating insomnia and feelings of agitation; I could not relax. I tried everything to keep healthy, and considered many different reasons for my lack of sleep, headaches, anxiety, and general un-wellness.

It never occurred to me that the home wifi, the cordless phone and our 2 cell phones had anything to do with my condition.

For seven years this suffering and complaining went on, and continued to get worst.

Finally, summer 2012, I had the summer off from teaching school and assumed I would improve, but instead, I became very ill.

It didn’t make any sense. I had nothing to do but rest, and rest didn’t help at all! It made NO sense.

How can you rest and not get better?

One day my husband happened to unplug the wifi, and I suddenly felt relief. I couldn’t believe it. My husband saw me relax. He saw me feel better immediately. Both of us were in shock!

We left the wifi off and I started improving each day.

Then school started, I was back to teaching, my happiest time, feeling so good! But then the school installed “high density wifi” in every classroom and I became desperately ill with heart pounding so hard I thought I would drop dead any minute, plus inability to think, weak, terrible digestion, strange chaotic vibrating inside, and also emotional issues as well.

Without any accommodations for my wifi sensitivity by the school, I was forced to leave my job, losing all that goes with having a job one enjoys: fulfillment, daily activity, a life with purpose, friendships at work, not to mention the income and much needed retirement benefits, all lost.

As wireless has increased since 2012, I have lost family relations, friendships, my doctor, and my dentist of 18 years, leisurely shopping, movies, concerts, gatherings, traveling, planes, hotels, even camping now has wifi.

What you'd like your friends and family to know about your life now, and what you'd like them to do:

What helps most is being able to talk about ehs and all that goes with it, just like anyone would like to share their life experiences.

EHS is my life now, day in and day out and talking about it is important to me.

What you'd like health professionals to do, based on your experience:

We need health professionals to recognize the seriousness of the wireless radiation/health connection and accept it as real. We need accommodations, which means having non-wireless areas for us to get needed medical attention without debilitating exposure.

What you'd like politicians, and those in authority, to do:

Politicians need to first recognize ehs as a functional disability, and make accommodations for us. More is needed, but that would be a start.


  1. Thank you for sharing your heartfelt story of loss through EHS Stephanie, but I feel we are asking for crumbs. We need this to be outed for what it is...a dangerous and unsustainable technology, capable of illness, death and total and literal annihilation of entire species. It does need to stop or at least be treated as a dangerous "luxury item" like a cigarette and other controlled substances.

  2. We need to keep blogging and sharing our stories. Here is mine. At 54, I could not understand why I was feeling so many symptoms layering up in my body and head. I was having insomnia and interrupted sleep disorder, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, pain, anxiety, brain fog, blurred vision, imbalance problems and on and on. After struggling and feeling like I was being electrocuted, I wanted to die. We have three amazing children. Dying was not an option. My husband found a device in our basement and covered it with foil, my symptoms went away. It was a "smart meter", I am now healing, after three years, and my types of therapies and holistic health and wellness, little money spent. But I now speak out against smart meters, as they are bringing on these horrific symptoms. As well as the cellphones and wifi. I live in an old home here on Long Island, keeping my home my sanctuary, and I have slowly started to become more normalized now. But it hasn't been easy and it hasn't been quick. A supplemental regimen is imperative, detoxing and breathing along with meditation and "earthing". We can overcome this severe allergy. Mine started out with chemical sensitivity and morphed into electromagnetic sensitivity. Allergy to garlic came around 45, then the chemicals around 52. It has been a long ride, but I stayed strong and resolute and am now going to the movies, shopping malls, libraries and restaurants. Our minds have the power to overcome most anything, and this is no different. We can heal. Get out the smart meters, ASAP, turn off the wifi, clear out the toxins and get back to a simpler life without burdening the body and the brain with wireless. Keep the bedroom a sanctuary. No digital clocks, no smart tvs, no cell phones or computers, NO charging of anything at night while trying to sleep and keep the router and printer unplugged at night. This is how life is going to be in the future and the future is here. This is a forced evolution of the human species and we must adapt. There is no other option, other then to be proactive in our own lives. Communities are cropping up where refugees are finding relief in homes set up for people with sensitivities. And this is a good thing. Morgan Spurlock had a show on CNN about this, check out "Inside Man" and his show about "Toxins"..it was amazing to see this on the mainstream news. We are all in this together, but we must keep our children safe and become educated, so we can help others in need. Takebackyourpower. It is time!

    1. Thanks for watching Inside Man! Morgan and his crew did a great job.

  3. I don't agree with this "This is a forced evolution of the human species and we must adapt. There is no other option" We cannot adapt; no one can. Meanwhile however rational societies have special towns and villages where we can live (Russa)...some have sheldtered hospital rooms (chile). We need reasonable accommodation and with the creation of special communities, we can have it.

    I feel someone could ask the Amish to create a community for us--show us how to live well without much electricity as they do. Very possible.

    1. You've got it---the Amish have the answer!

  4. Thank you both for sharing your stories. I have been EHS for the past 10 years or so, having been made ill due to 31 smart meters in the parking garage under my apartment. I did not have a clue about what was making me ill until I saw an article in my dentist's journal about a woman who was ill due to the smart meter on her house...she noticed symptoms within hours of it being installed. I KNEW that this was the answer to why I was losing sleep, feeling pain in muscles, having memory problems, loud tinnitus, and more. Next I discovered that the WiFi from neighboring apartments also had debilitating affects on my body and mind. On the one hand, it was good to know what was happening, quite another to be able to do anything about it. The nightmare was real...and it continues to be real for me, although I do all I can to avoid wireless devices and being in places that make me feel ill. I live one day at a time, hoping that each day will be better, that I will feel "normal" again. This has become the new normal for my life. I can not fly in airplanes and it is too far for me to drive to see my kids. I live very rurally where there are not a lot of cell phone towers. The bad news is that I feel very isolated out here (Nebraska) and the smart meter we have is tied into the circuit box of the house via what is known as broadband over power line, and can not be shielded...the pulses end up going through the house on all the wiring, apparently. The electrician we had come out here checked the wiring and declared it to be "fine." We shut off the circuits to most of the house at night, but I still feel that the pulsing is everywhere. Going off-grid is an option, but a very tricky one, using solar power and inverters, and a generator...all would have to be done carefully to avoid making the situation worse, but it would mean that the smart meter no longer sends its pulsing through the house. I do not feel safe anywhere, that is the simple fact of life.
    I will be interested in checking the resources listed on this blog, and thank you for them!
    Ruth Ann/Nebraska

  5. Dear Stephanie Dickerson, I too have and EHS and have been ill since 2012. No one can know our plight and how our lives have dramatically changed. We have had to learn to adapt and accept. First off, I learned how to remove all WiFi and wireless technology in my home. It can be done and still be able to be on a computer. I personally am unable to be around cell phones in close proximity, therefore I have to ask my friends and family that come into my home to turn their cell phones off. My health was initially compromised from a smart meter that was installed on my home in 2012. 10 months later it was removed and the old analog meter was put back on. I am now a local activist and educator against smart meters. I have helped many elderly people to know their rights about removing their smart meter, and to get it removed. I continue to raise awareness; for there are now 30 million people globally who have EHS and are fighting for our lives. There is a global awakening and awareness of this problem that affects so many people, and yet I know it may take many more years for this man-made technology and devices to be reduced so that we can all be around this harmful radiation and EMF's.. It's a very sad time for so many of us who have had our health compromised. We must all band together and get the word out.

  6. Thank you Stephane for your story and beautiful picture with violin. Also Liz and the other commenters; I began asking for crumbs when I got sick in 96 because so much information about this radiation was obscure to me. After meeting Liz and all the other dynamic activists and scientists I realized how serious this radiation is and what a threat it is to world wide health. It is a waking up process for all of us. Thank you all. From Jennifer. And so sorry I missed you, Stephane in GB on your visit.

  7. I don't want to be a refugee! My horses are my life - not people. I want to be with my horses, not stuck in a refugee camp.
    That would be horrendously discriminating against us. I totally understand that people want to escape, but the thought of being forced into a 'colony' of electrosensitives would be enough to drive me to end my life.

  8. Note, the Amish have extremely low instances of cancer, also.
    We are making ourselves sick with the new technology and there seems to be no end to "the next new thing!" As long as the public stays "dumbed down," more people will develop EHS. Our job is to keep this topic in the public eye and ear.

  9. I can't even get the local people to believe it exists. They are turning our whole town into a super high frequency with radio towers on each corner, smart water and electric everywhere. The noise I hear gives me constant headaches and sleeplessness yet no one will do anything to stop it. I am considering putting metal siding on my house to get some relief.

  10. Currently there are three federal mandates to promote wireless technologies. These are wireless broadband, wireless smart grid and smart meters,

    From personal experimentation, and reading similar experiences from others globally, I consider it conspiracy fact that in the world today entrenched with microwave pollution, with or without intentional targeting of an individual, microwaves interfere with thoughts, induce fatigue, induce inflammation, pain, nausea, create negative emotional states etc., etc.. From experience I know the effects induce a headache and pressure in the temples at the start. All you are told by government is the technology is harmless and is required for monitoring purposes for the public's safety. For those who are dealing with electro-hypersensitivity, depression, anger, mood swings migraines etc., have you ever considered you are being heavily bombarded by microwaves from multiple wifi sources and or cellphone towers? Get signal detector to find out and get proof.

    Using a microwave signal strength meter, I have made several observations about these signals on myself.

    1. Historically they eventually existed where I spend most of my time, always in the presence of multiple wi-fi/cellular sources. SO I MOVED as far as possible from all sources.

    2. Using a microwave detector I specifically measure pulse frequencies directed to my head, when surrounded by cellular and wifi microwave radiation, moving to a new location will lessen the effects until it happens again etc., etc..

    3. With the current amount of wifi/cellular emitters (and more go online everyday) the tracking speed is slow when I move, as the signal takes several seconds or minutes or up to an hour to find me at a new location. The more cellular antennas around me and wifi the faster the tracking.

    I conclude cell phone towers and wifi everywhere are generating these microwave pulse signals I feel and see on my meter through triangulating hotspots by tracking targets. I have no idea to what degree or if satellites are involved. Now this would require that computers perform the endless calculations. For anyone experiencing the effects and seeing the readings this is not conspiracy theory, its conspiracy fact. In truth the microwaves being forced onto people have been exposed in multiple studies over several decades showing they resonate with DNA, penetrate flesh and bone. These signals cause emotional instability, cancer, en-train brainwaves causing aggression, stress and endless other insane effects. I have experienced them inducing anger, frustration, sadness, inability to think, depleted energy, painful inflammation, and many other additional psychological and biological complications.

    This microwave insanity is required for setting up world government ahead and to keep it in place forever, all for an insane version of a “united world” increasingly keeping more of the population docile. As these signals are increasing I also continue to learn how to best cope with them. I continue retaining control of my mind, emotions, coherence and behavior by 24-7 working to reduce/avoid the signals that directly manipulate my thoughts, feelings, and behavior. And I am supposed to believe I live in a “Free” country! Knowing is understanding the battle, blocking these signals is the ONLY solution. I couldn't have overcome all this without an RF / MW (radio frequency / microwave) signal detector and a gauss meter. My advice to everyone is question mass confusion, depression, baseless thoughts or emotions that urge you to act without thinking. Reducing microwave influences WILL increase your mental and physical productivity/capacity allowing you to do what you truly desire to do. It is certainly allowed me to understand myself and political reality. https://www.facebook.com/jeff.chiacchieri/posts/10209169432266821

  11. I am 54 this month. and since the 5g network was launched with a non-stop cellular mast roll out across the country its almost impossible to go most places for me. Its no longer easy to find a place over a mile from a cellular tower or microwave array. I can no longer live in a home with energized home wiring in the presence of wireless signals/devices. As far as I know, every single electrosensitive person was once "normal"; we went to work, we traveled, we socialized.... we lived FREE from wireless torture.

    To survive I currently live on a boat as far as possible from the nearest cellular tower (microwave array) in a place with (for now) minimal wireless exposure. Whenever one goes up I move. I am semi-retired. In 2016 it has become almost impossible to find paying work or activist work anywhere where wireless radiation is not allowed. With masts going up everywhere/everyday there are less places I can go. To date living on a boat in the location I have chosen is an exposure I can recover in when I do go out and or online.

    The condition is portrayed by mainstream medical and legal establishments as being psychologically based from an irrational fear of something that is completely harmless. That couldn't be further from the truth. There is a mountain of evidence wireless technologies emitting pulsed microwave radiation are dangerous and are being used to manipulate human brains. The globalists, puppet government officials and even most all people made to be addicted to their phones, wifi devices refuse to acknowledge the truth even when confronted with it.

  12. Hello Stephanie and All,

    Prof. Olle Johansson was unable to post to this blog so he sent me his written statement and asked that I post it for him. It has been broken up into 2 parts per the character limit. Please read as he makes some very important points.

    PART 1

    Dear Ms Dickerson,

    I am very impressed by your story, thank you ever so much for sharing it with us.

    I have tried to study the electrohypersensitivity since the end of the 1970ies, and nowadays - as you may already know - in Sweden it has been recognized as a functional impairment (disability) since the year 2000. (If you send me your e-mail address I can furnish you with a few papers that I hope will support your call.)

    The Swedish approach to electrohypersensitivity is to view it as a functional impairment, thus focusing on the environment as the culprit (which is the general definition, including the UN one, of functional impairments). This provides persons with this impairment a maximal legal protection, it gives them the right to get accessibility measures for free, as well as governmental subsidies and municipality economic support, and to provide them with special Ombudsmen (at the municipality, the EU, and the UN level, respectively), the right and economic means to form disability organizations and allow these to be part of national and international counterparts, all with the simple and single aim to allow persons with the functional impairment electrohypersensitivity to live an equal life in a society based on equality. They are not seen as patients, the do not have an overriding medical diagnosis, but the ‘patient’ is only the environment - inferior and potentially toxic. This does not mean that a subjective symptom of a functionally impaired can not be treated by a physician, as well as get sick-leave from their workplace as well as economic compensation, and already in the year 2000 such symptoms were identified in the Internal Code of Diagnoses, version 10 (ICD-10; R68.8/now W90), and have been since. But the underlying cause still remains only the environment.

    Thus, in Sweden, electrohypersensitivity (EHS) is an officially fully recognized functional impairment (i.e., it is not regarded as a disease; N.B. this is not special for Sweden, the terms "functional impairment" and "disease" are defined according to various international documents). Survey studies show that somewhere between 230,000– 290,000 Swedish men and women – out of a population of 9,000,000 - report a variety of symptoms, including typical cutaneous ones such as stinging, burning and itching sensations primarily in the face, upper chest and back, hands and arms, when being in contact with electromagnetic field (EMF) sources. The symptoms of EHS are classified as an occupationally-related symptom-based diagnosis (code ICD-10; R68.8/now W90) by the Nordic Council of Ministers since 2000. Swedish electrohypersensitive people have their own handicap organization, The Swedish Association for the Electrohypersensitive, which has its own websites in both Swedish and English. This organization is included in the Swedish Disability Federation (Handikappförbundens SamarbetsOrgan; HSO; as a consequence of this, The Swedish Association for the Electrohypersensitive receives an annual governmental subsidy). HSO is the united voice of the Swedish disability associations towards the government, the parliament, and national authorities, and is a cooperative body that today consists of 43 national disability organisations (with The Swedish Association for the Electrohypersensitive being 1 of these 43 organisations) comprised of about 500,000 individual members. It has its own website in Swedish, parts of which are also in English.
    (to be continued; PART 2 follows right after this)

    With my very best regards
    Yours sincerely
    Olle Johansson

    (Olle Johansson, associate professor
    The Experimental Dermatology Unit
    Department of Neuroscience
    Karolinska Institute
    171 77 Stockholm

  13. Hello, Prof. Olle Johansson was having difficulty posting his excellent comments to this blog so he asked I post them on his behalf. I did, but they were too long so had to be broken in 2 and for some reason part 1 was not posted so I am re-sending but please read part 1 first and then part 2, the above posted comment afterwards. Thank you.

    PART 1

    Dear Ms Dickerson,

    I am very impressed by your story, thank you ever so much for sharing it with us.

    I have tried to study the electrohypersensitivity since the end of the 1970ies, and nowadays - as you may already know - in Sweden it has been recognized as a functional impairment (disability) since the year 2000. (If you send me your e-mail address I can furnish you with a few papers that I hope will support your call.)

    The Swedish approach to electrohypersensitivity is to view it as a functional impairment, thus focusing on the environment as the culprit (which is the general definition, including the UN one, of functional impairments). This provides persons with this impairment a maximal legal protection, it gives them the right to get accessibility measures for free, as well as governmental subsidies and municipality economic support, and to provide them with special Ombudsmen (at the municipality, the EU, and the UN level, respectively), the right and economic means to form disability organizations and allow these to be part of national and international counterparts, all with the simple and single aim to allow persons with the functional impairment electrohypersensitivity to live an equal life in a society based on equality. They are not seen as patients, the do not have an overriding medical diagnosis, but the ‘patient’ is only the environment - inferior and potentially toxic. This does not mean that a subjective symptom of a functionally impaired can not be treated by a physician, as well as get sick-leave from their workplace as well as economic compensation, and already in the year 2000 such symptoms were identified in the Internal Code of Diagnoses, version 10 (ICD-10; R68.8/now W90), and have been since. But the underlying cause still remains only the environment.

    Thus, in Sweden, electrohypersensitivity (EHS) is an officially fully recognized functional impairment (i.e., it is not regarded as a disease; N.B. this is not special for Sweden, the terms "functional impairment" and "disease" are defined according to various international documents). Survey studies show that somewhere between 230,000– 290,000 Swedish men and women – out of a population of 9,000,000 - report a variety of symptoms, including typical cutaneous ones such as stinging, burning and itching sensations primarily in the face, upper chest and back, hands and arms, when being in contact with electromagnetic field (EMF) sources. The symptoms of EHS are classified as an occupationally-related symptom-based diagnosis (code ICD-10; R68.8/now W90) by the Nordic Council of Ministers since 2000. Swedish electrohypersensitive people have their own handicap organization, The Swedish Association for the Electrohypersensitive, which has its own websites in both Swedish and English. This organization is included in the Swedish Disability Federation (Handikappförbundens SamarbetsOrgan; HSO; as a consequence of this, The Swedish Association for the Electrohypersensitive receives an annual governmental subsidy). HSO is the united voice of the Swedish disability associations towards the government, the parliament, and national authorities, and is a cooperative body that today consists of 43 national disability organisations (with The Swedish Association for the Electrohypersensitive being 1 of these 43 organisations) comprised of about 500,000 individual members. It has its own website in Swedish, parts of which are also in English.
    (to be continued; PART 2 follows right after this)

    With my very best regards
    Yours sincerely
    Olle Johansson

    (Olle Johansson, associate professor
    The Experimental Dermatology Unit
    Department of Neuroscience
    Karolinska Institute
    171 77 Stockholm

  14. Hello Stephanie et al,

    Stephanie, can you please post the following in sequential order from 1 - 3? Prof Olle Johansson wrote an excellent article that directly relates to your blog statement but he was having trouble posting so he asked me to do it for him but the file was too large so he has broken it up into 3 pieces. If you could please remove the above part 2 and post 1-3 in order so people will be able to read them in order that would be great. Here is part 1 of this very important article...

    PART 1

    Dear Ms Dickerson,

    I am very impressed by your story, thank you ever so much for sharing it with us.

    I have tried to study the electrohypersensitivity since the end of the 1970ies, and nowadays - as you may already know - in Sweden it has been recognized as a functional impairment (disability) since the year 2000. (If you send me your e-mail address I can furnish you with a few papers that I hope will support your call.)

    The Swedish approach to electrohypersensitivity is to view it as a functional impairment, thus focusing on the environment as the culprit (which is the general definition, including the UN one, of functional impairments). This provides persons with this impairment a maximal legal protection, it gives them the right to get accessibility measures for free, as well as governmental subsidies and municipality economic support, and to provide them with special Ombudsmen (at the municipality, the EU, and the UN level, respectively), the right and economic means to form disability organizations and allow these to be part of national and international counterparts, all with the simple and single aim to allow persons with the functional impairment electrohypersensitivity to live an equal life in a society based on equality. They are not seen as patients, the do not have an overriding medical diagnosis, but the ‘patient’ is only the environment - inferior and potentially toxic. This does not mean that a subjective symptom of a functionally impaired can not be treated by a physician, as well as get sick-leave from their workplace as well as economic compensation, and already in the year 2000 such symptoms were identified in the Internal Code of Diagnoses, version 10 (ICD-10; R68.8/now W90), and have been since. But the underlying cause still remains only the environment.

    Thus, in Sweden, electrohypersensitivity (EHS) is an officially fully recognized functional impairment (i.e., it is not regarded as a disease; N.B. this is not special for Sweden, the terms "functional impairment" and "disease" are defined according to various international documents). Survey studies show that somewhere between 230,000– 290,000 Swedish men and women – out of a population of 9,000,000 - report a variety of symptoms, including typical cutaneous ones such as stinging, burning and itching sensations primarily in the face, upper chest and back, hands and arms, when being in contact with electromagnetic field (EMF) sources. The symptoms of EHS are classified as an occupationally-related symptom-based diagnosis (code ICD-10; R68.8/now W90) by the Nordic Council of Ministers since 2000.

    (to be continued)

    With my very best regards
    Yours sincerely
    Olle Johansson

    (Olle Johansson, associate professor
    The Experimental Dermatology Unit
    Department of Neuroscience
    Karolinska Institute
    171 77 Stockholm

  15. i watched the bats fall to their extinction here when smartmeters came to destroy my life with EHS. frogs dissappeared next ,bees reduced significantly.more trees fall with every new antenna ,and antenna are being added almost monthly now . to put ANYTHING manmade ,or even natural for that matter ,in EVERY environment country wide or GLOBALLY is the most irresponsible action ever . because some people survived the bombing of hiroshima does not mean atom bombs are safe . because some survived chernobyl does not mean nuclear radiation is safe. even peanuts are deadly for some .this is ridiculous to keep deploying these technologies when proof of harm has been established since first deployment.and that "causation" argument ? they still havent "proven causation" between cigarettes and lung cancer .these technologies are harming ALL LIFE

  16. There are increasing amounts of sick people. So many are sick with the cluster of EHS symptoms but they don't know about EHS. Neither do their doctors. So they are diagnosed with some other diagnosis and put on drugs for the symptoms. OR equally as bad--they are told they are imagining their horrifyingly torturous symptoms! The facts are there. And yes--everyone who is now sick was once NOT sick. Was once a productive member of society with jobs, homes, friends, family and a life. Now the affected are isolated from society and dehumanized and marginalized. This must stop. The truth must be told and our government must protect the affected and keep others from becoming sick too. Ultimately though, one has to ask ones self---why is the government denying the veracity of the horribly sick people? Why would the industry seek exemption from prosecution AND get it! There is a much, much bigger agenda here and even people who are already sick are failing to see it. They know people are getting sick. They know that people are dying. They know that this is a perfect set up for surveillance. They know the suffering and pain and loss this is inflicting and yet, they do nothing to stop it. Ask yourself why.


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