Wi-Fi devastates 11 year old

Mandatory Exposure to Microwave Radiation In Our Schools Has Left 11 Year Old With Nowhere To Go To School

[My comment: These details have been provided by Janis Hoffman, who is Tyler's grandmother]


Victoria BC

How long has he been electrosensitive?

4 years

His story

(This is a letter from Janis Hoffman, published in the Oliver Chronicle on 26th July 2016 - link below)

Tyler is 11 years old and has a recognized disability, EHS (electro hypersensitivity), which means with accumulative and prolonged exposure to microwave radiation from wireless technology, he experiences severe headaches, accompanied with vomiting, extreme fatigue, insomnia and now night terrors.

For the past four years he has been shuffling between three different school districts to avoid the mandatory exposure, which school officials have decided is crucial to teach the curriculum.

Around April 2012, Tyler, who was then seven years old and in Grade 2, started coming home with severe headaches that corresponded with increasing fatigue and sleeping difficulties. The first few times Tyler was asked to place his finger where it hurt and he would touch the top of his head. But later, as the headaches increasingly became worse to the point of nausea, Tyler was unable to touch the pain, stating it was in the middle of his head.

After many weeks of taking Advil and Tylenol to alleviate severe pain in his head, we knew something was seriously wrong.  We were discussing the problem with some parents on the school ground and discovered a WiFi router had been installed in the school just weeks before.

Tyler’s pediatrician requested that Tyler return to school with the WiFi transmitter turned off so he could start a process of elimination to see if the WiFi was giving Tyler the headaches. Our request to the first school district was denied. We were told they couldn’t turn the WiFi off, even though they weren’t using it, because it would set a precedent.  If they turned it off for us they would have to turn it off for everyone.

Tyler was unable to complete Grade 2 with his friends and we were dismissed from the first school district.

For the next four years Tyler was moved around within Victoria and Saanich school district and he has now graduated into middle school where we were assured that there was only 25 per cent coverage. We were told he would be placed as far away from the WiFi routers as possible so he could attend school with his friends.

On September 11 I received call to pick Tyler up because he had a severe headache. Tyler suffered through the long drive home and immediately went to bed to see if he could alleviate his pain.  He started vomiting around 5 p.m. and his headache carried on until he finally fell asleep around 8 p.m. that evening. Throughout that time Tyler was given the recommended doses of Tylenol and Advil as per his doctor’s instructions, but nothing seemed to alleviate his pain.

These headaches are debilitating, excruciatingly painful and the longer he is exposed the more severe his headache, nausea, extreme fatigue and insomnia will be.  Unfortunately with electro-hypersensitivity (EHS), avoidance is the only answer.

We were assured there was only 25 per cent WiFi coverage in Royal Oak Middle School as per the policy, when in fact the school has 100 per cent coverage and able to download 30 laptops from a commercial WiFi router three classrooms away.

Now Tyler has suffered eight injuries this year alone from the accumulative and prolonged exposure to the microwave radiation from two different frequencies.

As a temporary solution Tyler was pulled out of his homeroom and placed in a separate room downstairs.  Tyler was really upset, frustrated and angry about being downstairs for five hours a day with no contact with any of his peers. He feels he was dumped downstairs and forgotten, left there to do his work on his own. He was frustrated that he can go a day or two without even having anyone checking on him to see how he’s doing.

Imagine, being 11 years old and your only social contact with your peers is in a school setting, but you are isolated in a room by yourself. Tyler really wants to be back in a classroom with his peers, to have the teacher in the room to actually teach him and to ask questions when help is needed like all other Grade 6 students. 

He has now lost contact with all of his friends.

Tyler enters and exits the school as quickly as possible, keeping his head down to avoid eye contact in fear of being questioned about the situation. Tyler has expressed feelings of embarrassment, humiliation, loneliness, anxiety and is losing hope of ever finding a school where he can make friends. Tyler is a shy, gentle boy who just wants to be accepted by his friends and be a part of the school community, something he has yet to experience.

As part of the school experience students have an opportunity to meet socially and form friendships with others who have common interests. Tyler has a fundamental right to participate and socialize with his peer group and have the opportunity to build life skills that include communication, cooperation, and team bonding. These foundational components help to form a person into their adulthood and extend long beyond school years. Tyler has yet to experience a sense of connectedness and school community that is so crucial for his academic and adult life.

In April 2016 Tyler was attending school for 1.5 hours on Wednesdays in the room downstairs with a teacher one on one.  The rest of the week he was sitting at home when he should have been participating in activities with his friends at school.

Tyler initially was so excited about attending middle school this year only to have his expectations crushed.  Every attempt to attend school has resulted in another painful injury from the microwave radiation that blankets the inside of the school.

Tyler should be provided with reasonable accommodation, affording him inclusion and dignity while building his self-esteem and personal growth, but sadly he has only experienced the burden of isolation.

Tyler has the right to access public education in a safe learning environment free of known carcinogens, especially when safer hard-wired connections to the Internet already exist.

On June 22 our appeal to the board of trustees in the Saanich school district to turn off one WiFi transmitter and set of policy of no cell phone use during school hours in one section of the school was denied and dismissed.

Tyler has nowhere to go to school for Grade 7.

Janis Hoffmann, Victoria

In general, what needs to happen to improve his life?

Tyler would like a hard-wired connection to the Internet so he can go back to school

EDIT 12st August 2016: More coverage of Tyler can be found on the Refugium website:



  1. I no longer attend events and spend increasingly less time online working to awake people.

    I am 54 this month. and since the 5g network was launched with a non-stop cellular mast roll out across the country its almost impossible to go most places for me. Its no longer easy to find a place over a mile from a cellular tower or microwave array. I can no longer live in a home with energized home wiring in the presence of wireless signals/devices. As far as I know, every single electrosensitive person was once "normal"; we went to work, we traveled, we socialized.... we lived FREE from wireless torture.

    To survive I currently live on a boat as far as possible from the nearest cellular tower (microwave array) in a place with (for now) minimal wireless exposure. Whenever one goes up I move. I am semi-retired. In 2016 it has become almost impossible to find paying work or activist work anywhere where wireless radiation is not allowed. With masts going up everywhere/everyday there are less places I can go. To date living on a boat in the location I have chosen is an exposure I can recover in when I do go out and or online.

    The condition is portrayed by mainstream medical and legal establishments as being psychologically based from an irrational fear of something that is completely harmless. That couldn't be further from the truth. There is a mountain of evidence wireless technologies emitting pulsed microwave radiation are dangerous and are being used to manipulate human brains. The globalists, puppet government officials and even most all people made to be addicted to their phones, wifi devices refuse to acknowledge the truth even when confronted with it.

    The essay is my attempt to continue without being online much http://americanpreppernation.ning.com/forum/topics/my-effort-to-awaken-people

  2. I totally understand what he is going through. I am so sad that young kids cannot get a decent education because of the greed of wireless companies. We MUST stop this or we will have a growing number of uneducated, sick kids.

  3. I was almost in tears reading Tyler's story. He is being severely let down by the education system that is supposed to be helping and protecting him.
    I know how unhappy and isolated he feels - my life is similar. However, it's worse for Tyler because he's at the start of his life. I hope that things change for him soon and that he is treated with the care, understanding and respect that is due to him.

  4. This story is heartbreaking. When I was diagnosed with EHS five years ago we had a Baubiologist come to the home and he found the usual culprits: DECT phone, WIFI from our cable router, neighbors' WIFI, a bluetooth internet radio, a transmitting gas meter. As I learned more about the health impacts of all of these sources I sought to also mitigate radiation for my children at their dad's home where they live 50% of the time and was met with outright disgust and mockery. This considering his new wife who uses cell phones for hours daily along with wireless tablets and laptops had miscarried multiple times and their IVF had failed. During our own marriage his fertility was severely compromised and we had difficulty conceiving our second child who was born after he started carrying a cell phone in his pocket daily. I was told I could not tell them what to do and that I was out of line giving them information on how to wire their home, turn off WIFI at night. I tried saying, "Can you at least turn it off when you're not using it? You can't use it while you are sleeping." I shared reports, studies, the fact that Taiwan fines parents who expose their young children to wireless, that France is protecting its youngest in schools and that my ex's own country, Germany, is taking precautionary steps. I spoke of how they have industrial WIFI in their classrooms and need a home in which they can heal each night so their bodies can be restored to fight what they encounter during the day.

    They eventually agreed to shut the WIFI off at night if they remember to. I drill into the kids' heads they should put tablets and phones into airplane mode if they use them while at their dad's. I take solace in the fact they are safe at least half the time when they are with us and I hope they did not inherit whatever genetic factor has made me sensitive. I tell them in their lifetime the truth of the dangers of wireless will be an issue larger than global warming. I am 50 and past the halfway point of my life, but if they come down with EHS now it will impact the rest of their lives.

  5. I can't survive without 24/7 shielding yet my experience is it isn't a recognized disability, it went undiagnosed for 20+ yrs, it isn't even recognized and that it's been officially recognized in Victoria is curious. My experience is the symptoms (severe rash etc) are diagnosed as a mental disorder called psychosomatic, and all they can offer is psychiatric treatment. I only found out because I built a faraday cage when it got so bad I thought I was going to die. I got better right away.


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